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Wind and truth
Currently on page: 865
Current chapter: 82
Current opinion (spoilers ahead about wind and truth and other cosmere books as mistborn, elantris and the sunlit man, click on the spoiler block in order to watch the text):
Kaladin: I like how he's distancing himself from war and conflict. He really needs a break after everything he's been through and all he's lost. I find his attempts at being a psychologist very amusing because they feel so relatable. He's just a normal person trying to figure out how to help others without having a clue. His relationship with Syl is kind of strange, though. I'm not a fan of their occasional flirting—it feels weird to me (I really dislike the ship and would hate for it to become canon). I love the happy Kaladin scenes; it's so refreshing to finally see him content. I'm looking forward to learning more about the Windrunners and the Heralds. The flute subplot is a bit odd, but I'm curious to see where it leads. I'm really liking how he just can't deal with Nale's way of thinking ant his contradictions. Find it weird how he did not want to know anything about Sthed before but now that he compares him to Tien, he is desperated to help him. I was also really surprised as how quick he acted when Sthed was going to be attacked!.
Sthed: I love him; he's so silly. His past is extremely traumatic, but he's so relatable. The scene where he says, "I really wish life came with an instruction manual, and someone told me what to do all the time," hit me hard. The flashback scenes are great, especially the one with the sheep—it felt so real. Now that the whole family has agreed to train with him, I have a bad feeling things might go terribly wrong. Neturo is still the best dad. I hate Sthed's spren—it ruins his happy or fun moments by constantly reminding him that he "shouldn't feel that way." Also, I love his interactions with Kal. He is the goat, how he faced Nale and told him "What rules are you even talkling about" and did not hessitate is just so cool to me. Loved his interaction with Syl too.
Shallan: I'm enjoying all her scenes so far. The Deadeye storyline is evolving nicely, and the bond feels really sweet. I loved how she casually talked to and even hugged a Herald like they were just friends. However, I didn't like the sudden materialization of Radiant. Yes, we knew her lightweaving was unusual in previous books, but this development felt too abrupt. The same goes for the new Oath. The shower scene with Shallan and Adolin was handled well—subtle but meaningful (they're such a cute couple!). I really hope none of the trio (Shallan, Kaladin, and Adolin) die, especially after the weird promise they made. I loved the infiltration into the Spectral Blood refuge (Pattern's comment, "Don't die when I'm not here; I want to see it—that's what friends do," was hilarious). The Urithiru mission felt off—Shallan ignoring the guards' obvious behavior was frustrating. I get that it might have been intentional, but it didn't work for me. Loving her bond with Renarin. I really like how she is just being left out bc Renarin and Rlain are just being soooooo cheesy. I hate that her mother is a Herald, tbh, and I know it's not confirmed 100%, but idk, read in between the lines. I also liked a lot that she confronted Ba-Ado-Misram. I also really liked the scene where Sallan and Rlain talked about how humans were the foreigners wanting to conquer the parsendi's lands, and how it would all have been better if they just learnt to coexist (bonus points for that lil Rlain complimenting Renaring and Shallan just thinking "omg, could you two please focus?").
Adolin: He’s such a sweetheart. Honestly, he's like a little kid. From the beginning, he's been his father's biggest critic, which is understandable since his mom died because of him. But come on, Adolin, cut him some slack—talk to him. He doesn’t realize how much Dalinar suffered from losing her too. I adore his relationship with Shallan. The dynamic he's building with the little emperor is fun to watch. His bond with Maya is heartwarming (and Maya realizing he's had tons of girlfriends was hilarious). I love seeing him act like a competent general. I really hope the whole "dome plan" works out; I don't want to lose him. :’(. I really felt horrible when the "No one is going to come and help us" part hitted. Adolin is doing his best, and I think it's not paying off. The thunderclast makes me shiver tbh, I think that or it'w going to end up really REALLY bad or Adolin is going to become a Radiant and Maya will also bring lots of deadeyes and their blades will help the Azimir's army.
Dalinar: He's one of my favorite characters—what else can I say? The moment he talked to Kaladin about being his heir melted my heart (he practically adopted Kaladin, and I can’t deal with it!). I love seeing him as a grandfather, though I wish he had let Gav have a sword fight. I’m worried about the Honor situation—it doesn’t seem like it will end well. I’ve been convinced Dalinar will die ever since he asked Kaladin to be the future king. The "Father Storm" plotline is brilliantly written, but I have a bad feeling about it. The part where Dalinar feels uncomfortable going to the Spiritual Realm because he doesn’t want to face their "shame" was intriguing but ominous. I am really hating the continuous comparisons bate between Dalinar and his brother. I really like how Dalinar is somehow still a brute and not so intelligent character, but yeah, kinda feel that that comparison is way too extreme. I'm really scared by the discussion between The Father Storm. I'm also really angry by how he just pays so little atention to Gavinor, when he is just acting like a friking sadist and is also telling you that he is hearing his dad's voices, idk man, see the signals, they are just in your face dude.
Navani: She hasn't had much of a presence so far. I thought it was odd that she didn’t react when Dalinar mentioned retrieving the Honor Shard. I do like that she’s working hard to show the Sibling that they’re trying to develop spren-friendly technology. Bonus points for the lab scene where her colleague commented on the Sibling’s androgyny hehe. She is just overwhelmed with all of this vission thing and I love it, it really shows how of an scholar she is!. I also love how Dalinar sometimes depends on her way of interpreting things (bonus points to that scene in which she is turned into the Brother's bondsmith because Dalinar cant hear the discussion and she does not know what to do, felt her frustration when, in search of answers, she asked the windrunner and he just went away).
Lift: I find it odd that they’re exploring Gav’s character through Lift. Sure, she’s the "never-growing child," but it seems like she’s starting to grow anyway. Her scenes with Gav include moments where she seems to sexualize the Windrunners, which feels weird!. I’m also curious about her mother’s story and what will come of her pretending to be Navani.
Gavinor: I really hope nothing bad happens to him in the Spiritual Realm, but I feel like it’s inevitable. I’m almost certain Odium will try to turn Gavinor against Dalinar. He’s just a kid, but he’s filled with so much anger. :( He also hates spren, and being surrounded by their energy is bound to make things worse for him. I suspect they might age him up to explore his character more, given how time works differently in the Spiritual Realm.
Renarin: I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS! I thought he and Rlain were already in a relationship, but I’m so happy we get to see it develop! The moment when his Bridge Four friend asked if he liked Rlain was adorable. I also loved how they know Renarin doesn’t like being touched and have found other ways to show affection—it’s so sweet and thoughtful. It shows how much they care for him without seeing him as "weird." He’s incredibly relatable. The scene where Glys dims the light because Renarin feels overwhelmed was so touching. I can’t wait to see more of him! I’m also glad he’s not mad at Dalinar. I don’t know why he took it differently than Adolin, but it’s nice to see him appreciate being compared to his dad. Hate that we have seen him wanting to kiss Rlain (is shown when he teaches him how to see others' desire and Rlain just pointing at him and watching this) and nobody just talks about this, idk, really frustrating. I also felt really bad for him when we see that other kids just treated him bad :(. And I really liked how he admires his brother, but does not want to deppend on him, its so cute.
Rlain: I loved seeing stuff from his past, even thouht they were just SO rough. I think that the "incident when he was in carnal form" has to do with the fact that he likes men (?. I also felt really bad about how nobody cared when he offered himself to infiltrate in the human realm.
Sigzil: Feel really bad about him. He is overwhelmed with all the responsabilities he has, he just wanted to be a scholar, a more free scholar, but a scholar for sure, not a soldier. He manages stuff how he can thought. I'm really scared about the death wispers he is getting. I'm sure that the first one talks about how Ba-Ado-Misram will be liberated. The moash incident got me almost crying. I really hated seeing Leyten suffer :(. Moash is such a well written character gosh. Also, the death wisper he gets from Leyten? I mean, I get that Vienta will die, but why does Sigzil die? He is the protagonist of the sunlit man, he just can't die now! I think it's just a metaphorical deat, like, the death of the scholar and soldier.
Navani: I'm intrigued with her. I really liked the "am I helping other women or am I just being an exception" argument. I also found her "No one is going to atack us, it's just a trick" argument interesting, but I think that there is more stuff to it (I think it's a trick inside a trick, idk).I hope someone sends Sigzil or Adolin (least possible, tbh, I think that Adolin is going to be abbandoned) help, please, they are at their worst :'(.
Syl: she is just the most inteligent from her group. Loved her interaction with Sthed tbh, and she was just so clever!. I am really intrigued with the fact that she could push Kaladin.
Bonus stuff: Glys' sprens looks hella cool, like, the corrupted versions! Also, really like that the drawing of the arc is getting worse on each day, I mean, I know this is bad, because it represents the Heralds, but I think it's a really cool detail. Also, Vipi mvp. I really liked that we got to see mistborn, elantris, etc characters. I'm also really intrigued about the Iri's peregrination (? I mean, its suposed to be it's 5th one? Where did they go before? How can a spren do this portal thing?
Credit for the bullets :D